December 23, 2009

Precis #1

Nancy Gibb's online article entitled "Fending Off the Swine Flu", Gibbs begins the article explaining that even though Bush may have handed over a mess to Obama from his last administration, this time, Bush's mess may prove useful this one time. Gibbs makes a claim about how measures must be taken, and how measures have been taken, though a bit extreme. She supports this when she said that Obama helped to put the Americans on a high alert level and when numerous Texas children stayed home from school, missing out on a standardized test to be given that day. Gibbs also talks about how during Bush's Administration, he had a plan fund that was suppose to reach $7 million for the National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza, but that plan fund was never reached. As the article says, at least the plan for fending of this flu is "much more clear and cogent response than in the past" says Laurie Garrett a senior of Council on Foreign Relations.

Application Question:
Do you think it was necessary to make such extreme precautions for the swine flu?,28804,1949870_1949839_1949665,00.html

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